Unlocking value
Alpin works closely with our portfolio companies to efficiently execute the critical strategic decisions that underpin long-term and sustainable growth. We typically invest in business’s that are at a junction where significant capital and strategic decisions need to be made to underpin future growth.
We look for profitable small to medium enterprises that possess the opportunity to further develop and grow.
When provided with an investment opportunity, we build a detailed understanding of the business, the people and the real value they create.
We focus on what matters to the future of the business and our investment.
We are result-driven investors who take a proactive approach and interest in our invested business, actively developing each business’ true potential.
We work closely with management teams to understand all facets of the business and provide a guiding hand to lead it to the intended short- and medium-term goals.
Our team work actively with management to quickly establish the foundations for accelerated and sustained performance. We isolate the critical choices that define the businesses long term potential and we ensure these decisions are made early and effectively.
Working closely with management that implement strategies means we have an acute understanding of the complexities of running operating businesses.
Investment Criteria
At Alpin our key investment criteria is a business and management that have a clear focus on their customer. Customer first organisations have greater longevity than others. We also know there is a story behind every business and we are looking forward to hearing yours.
Alpin is always looking for new and exciting investments. We enjoy working with inherently good businesses that require some combination of strategic focus, succession support, growth capital, performance improvement, situational investment or advice.
The criteria that allows us to align our skillset with your business is:

Sectors & businesses where we can genuinely add knowledge, expertise & value

Well respected product / service within their industry

Revenue between $10m-$200m and EBITDA% >15%

Ability to ultimately have majority stake in the business
Strong track record
Alpin invests time and resources to understand the true potential of businesses, implement change and create long term value.
We are active investors who seek to invest in high quality companies where our interests align. We are motivated by working with management to lock in true enduring value creation.